Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dalkey Library Refurbishment

A lot of our borrowers will already be aware that Dalkey Library is temporarily closed to facilitate a revamp of the interior space. It's going to be gorgeous when it's finished, everyone is looking forward to seeing it open again, both the local borrowers and the library staff (scattered to the four corners of dlr library service a the moment!)
There's going to be lots of lovely new features, including new windows and stairs and an accessible public toilet. A door will be put in from the library to the adjoining garden (unused up to this point) which will be landscaped and self-service will be introduced.

Here's a few pictures of what's happening on the site at the moment.

This where the new garden will be


The entire library was cleared and everything put into storage for the duration of the building work. Looking a these pictures it's easy to see why. The renovations are progreessing really well - it's hard to imagine now but in a very short time it'll be open again and looking better than ever.

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